I took a 10 hour SEO course in 2021. Here are my observations.

These are my notes from a 10 hour SEO - Digital Marketing course I took. On-page SEO, Optimize Page Speed Keyword Usage, Link Building Keyword research, High-quality content
These are my notes from a 10 hour SEO - Digital Marketing course I took. On-page SEO, Optimize Page Speed Keyword Usage, Link Building Keyword research, High-quality content

These are my notes from a 10 hour SEO course I took. – Digital Marketing course I took. On-page SEO, Optimize Page Speed Keyword Usage, Link Building Keyword research, High-quality content. Hoping to add value to the community. If you learn something drop me an upvote! If you can add value please do in the comments! If you see something that is BS, call me out! I want to know.

Here are my notes:

These are my notes from a 10 hour SEO – Digital Marketing course I took. On-page SEO, Optimize Page Speed Keyword Usage, Link Building Keyword research, High-quality content

Seo NotesOn-page SEO

Title Tag for SEO

Title tag is the most important factor of on-page SEO.

You want your keyword in the title tag.

Title tag- 50-60 characters long

Meta Description for SEO

Meta description should be 155-160 characters, summarize the page and include the keywords

URL Structure for SEO

Url that describes the page

Always use “-” and not “_” with the url

Avoid capital letters in the URL

Urls that are shorter rank higher on google

Clean url structure

Make sure your website url is HTTPS and not HTTP

“If you dont understand url then neither does google”

Header Tags for SEO

Stick with the H1 or H2 for all headers

H1 for main headers, H2 for subheaders

Avoid the same H1 tags (dont add two “moonlight movies” headers)

H1 tag should be 20-70 characters

Always answer user intent with the header

Use keywords for headers

Dont use H6

Optimize Page Speed for SEO

Optimize images bigger then 150 bytes (use Image Compressor, TinyPNG)

Use a simple web design

Use Site Speed tab on google analytics ( if the page time is over 4 secs then its likely the user will leave the page. Use Speed suggestions for adjustments.)

Leverage browser caching for files

Upgrade server response time

Minimize redirects

Keyword Usage for SEO

NLP Natural Language Processing– For Moonlight Movies, dont use keywords like “movie rental” or “screen rental”. Use more natural sentences like “where to rent a movie screen in nashville”

Site Map

Have internal linking to other pages on the site

List all the pages of your website for both the search engine and the user

2 types of site maps; HTML and XML

Balance the amount of subpages for each category on your site(about>cost,time | contact>email,address)

HTML- designed for humans

XML- designed for crawlers (google)

Learn how to create a dynamic sitemap

Create an xml site map Off-page SEO

The process of linking or promoting your website using link building

Build recognition, credibility, trustworthiness, and authority.

Having your link on credible websites creates high domain authority for our page.

EX: a page on wikipedia that links back to our page creates high domain authority for our page.

Link Building for SEO

Drives referral traffic and increases website authority

Strategies for link building for SEO:

  • High-quality content
  • Off-site engagement (featured on other websites)
  • Social media
  • Collaborate with influencers


  • Get backlinks from relevant sites
  • Use keywords in your titles and tags
  • Write engaging and latest content
  • Do keyword research before anything else
  • Do not do keyword stuffing. Do not put keywords everywhere on your site
  • Build internal links that are smooth but not forced
  • Wait for a while. It takes time to rank the content on google
  • Make sure the website is user and mobile-friendly.

Tools and Practices:

Keyword research for SEO

Understand how much traffic you will get if #1 on that keyword. Use Google Keyword Planner to see this data

  • Competition
  • Volume
  • Relevancy

Get volume from google keyword planner and competition from google search like below

Get an exact number for competition, type ‘allintitle:’ on google and then the keywords

Look for large volume and low competition

Copywrite and Keywords for SEO

For Headlines, what might look good on print, might not be great for SEO

What are content and brand associations with our brand?

Short tail keywords get more eyeballs but the conversion rates are lower than long tail keywords

Choose Keywords based on:
  • Search Volume (use google keyword planner)
  • Competition (use google keyword planner)
  • Relevancy (use…you know)
  • Commercial Intent (Choose keywords that get the customer to do what you want: “rent screen”)

Keyword Spreadsheet

Create a spreadsheet that shows the keyword, volume, competition(allintitle:), and KEI (Volume/Competition)

Use the spreadsheet to decide which keywords to target based on KEI and relevance

Always choose keyword by how relevant it is over the volume/ratio(KEI)

Check commercial intent keywords and see who ranks for them.
  • Discount
  • Deal
  • Buy
  • Coupon
  • Shipping

Every page should have a primary and secondary keyword. The primary keyword defines the nature of the content. The secondary keywords are relevant to the primary keyword.

EXample for primary and secondary keyword
Primary word:

Healthy diet plan

Secondary word:

healthy diet for weight loss

Healthy diet food

Low carb diet

Healthy meal plans

Diet plan weight loss

Ways of finding Keywords


Go on google and type your keyword in the search bar and google will show you your lsi related words at the bottom of the page.

Add these words to the secondary keywords to rank higher

Google Suggest

Type in your keyword in google search bar and look at what google is suggesting to finish the search

Keyword Clustering- Group keywords into a core topic with related subtopic keywords

EX: How does SEO work

  • Introduction to SEO
  • What is search engine optimization
  • What are the basics of SEO
  • Learn SEO step by step

Search what keywords competitors are using by using MOZ.com

Also use MOZ for site issues

Frase.io for keyword research is good too

Longer more engaging content ranks higher for organic traffic

Creating High-quality content:

-begin with a comprehensive introduction

-content relevant to the keyword

-create click worthy title

-create natural long-tail keyword

-shorten sentences and paragraphs

-always put internal links in our blog post

-use alt text for images

-update the content regularly

-finalize by including a call to action

-use images from public domain site(shutterstocks, Unsplash, Pexel)

-be relatable and clarify points.

-do not steal images from websites

So, This was 101 Guide to the Sitemaps in 2021.Also, Check 101 Guide to the Sitemaps in 2021.

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By Ghanshyam jha

Content Writer, Social Media, Marketing, Rainmaker & Digital Marketing Manager Who’ll Help You Paint a Canvas for your Biz & Your Life! when I'm Not Keeping Busy with hyCorve, you can find me @ghanxt.

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